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SurfFast is a software application that allows you to fully control your Web browsing experience, and is the first of its kind for both MacOS 9 and OSX. Think of it as your own personal surfing companion, which you can configure to:

  • block popup windows
  • eliminate banner ads
  • disable flash and shockwave movies
  • stop background music
  • remove background and table images
  • ignore advertising/tracking cookies and WebBugs
  • prevent JavaScript from executing when entering and exiting pages

SurfFast also implements a number of advanced features, for filtering out content and improving overall browsing performance, including:
  • filter pages based on content keywords and PICS platform
  • specify whitelist of sites to bypass all filtering
  • cache resources in database for fast access
  • search through your cache and extract documents
  • and much more  . . .

We have put an introductory price of just $9.95, a USD $10 savings, on SurfFast -- much less than the $30 that it costs for similar products which have a smaller feature set. Why don't you download and try it out, risk free? Or click here to learn more!

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My browser also blocks popup windows. Why should I use SurfFast?
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